“My biggest challenge is finding the confidence that I need in everyday life. I tend to doubt myself very often, and the feeling of ‘not being good enough’ is constantly with me.
Believe it or not, I was a very outgoing child. I was not afraid of speaking my mind, but the lack in confidence started in middle school with the typical middle school drama that went on between girls. My friends started making jokes about how I was quiet, and they called me weird. Over the years, I started to believe that’s who I was, and I became very self-concious of what people thought of me. It is very true that words have an effect on people.
Over the summer, someone referred to me as ‘the quiet girl who dances’. I so badly want to be known more than that because there’s so much more to me that a lot of people don’t know. I never really had someone who understands me well and who I could call my best friend before coming to Emma. At core, I am an adventurous and outgoing girl, who just wants to take hold of every opportunity in life. It’s just hidden deep inside me. But constantly hearing that I am shy and quiet makes it harder to push myself to open up to people. I know what’s in my heart, but I find it difficult to project that confidence and openness in my everyday life. “

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