
Here is the timeline for my project.

October: Start interviewing people. Interview 15 students, 5 faculties, and 5 employees/staffs. Start talking with the Clock members if Humans of EWS can be on the Clock. Start thinking about the installation and how and where I want to display it.

November: Continue interviewing 25 people and begin creating the installation. Write a blog about what community and diversity means to me.

December: Continue interviewing 20 people and continue on the installation.

January: Continue interviewing 30 people, work on the installation, and write a blog about what community and diversity means to me. Also, think about creating the magazine, Humans of EWS (talk with the communications office)

February: Continue interviewing 30 people, work on installation and the magazine.

March: Continue interviewing 20 people, work on installation and the magazine.

April: Continue interviewing 30 people and begin preparing for the presentation in May

May: Signature presentation!
